| GrowHorizontalLayout (const char *typeName=StaticWidgetType, bool initRenderer=true) |
| GrowHorizontalLayout (const GrowHorizontalLayout &) |
| Copy constructor.
| GrowHorizontalLayout (GrowHorizontalLayout &&) noexcept |
| Move constructor.
GrowHorizontalLayout & | operator= (const GrowHorizontalLayout &) |
| Overload of copy assignment operator.
GrowHorizontalLayout & | operator= (GrowHorizontalLayout &&) noexcept |
| Move assignment.
| ~GrowHorizontalLayout ()=default |
| Destructor.
Vector2f | getInnerSize () const override |
| Returns the space available for widgets inside the container.
void | removeAllWidgets () override |
| Removes all widgets that were added to the container.
| BoxLayout (const char *typeName, bool initRenderer) |
BoxLayoutRenderer * | getSharedRenderer () override |
| Returns the renderer, which gives access to functions that determine how the widget is displayed.
const BoxLayoutRenderer * | getSharedRenderer () const override |
BoxLayoutRenderer * | getRenderer () override |
| Returns the renderer, which gives access to functions that determine how the widget is displayed.
void | setSize (const Layout2d &size) override |
| Changes the size of the group.
void | add (const Widget::Ptr &widget, const String &widgetName="") override |
| Adds a widget at the end of the layout.
virtual void | insert (std::size_t index, const Widget::Ptr &widget, const String &widgetName="") |
| Inserts a widget to the layout.
bool | remove (const Widget::Ptr &widget) override |
| Removes a single widget that was added to the container.
virtual bool | remove (std::size_t index) |
| Removes a single widget that was added to the container.
Widget::Ptr | get (std::size_t index) const |
| Returns the widget at the given index in the layout.
virtual bool | setWidgetIndex (const Widget::Ptr &widget, std::size_t index) override |
| Changes the index of a widget in this container.
void | setSize (Layout width, Layout height) |
| Changes the size of the widget.
Widget::Ptr | get (const String &widgetName) const |
| Returns a pointer to a widget that was added earlier.
| Group (const char *typeName=StaticWidgetType, bool initRenderer=true) |
GroupRenderer * | getSharedRenderer () override |
| Returns the renderer, which gives access to functions that determine how the widget is displayed.
const GroupRenderer * | getSharedRenderer () const override |
GroupRenderer * | getRenderer () override |
| Returns the renderer, which gives access to functions that determine how the widget is displayed.
void | setSize (const Layout2d &size) override |
| Changes the size of the group.
Vector2f | getChildWidgetsOffset () const override |
| Returns the distance between the position of the container and a widget that would be drawn inside this container on relative position (0,0)
bool | isMouseOnWidget (Vector2f pos) const override |
| Returns whether the mouse position (which is relative to the parent widget) lies on top of the widget.
void | draw (BackendRenderTarget &target, RenderStates states) const override |
| Draw the child widgets to a render target.
void | setSize (Layout width, Layout height) |
| Changes the size of the widget.
| Container (const char *typeName, bool initRenderer) |
| Container (const Container ©) |
| Copy constructor.
| Container (Container &©) noexcept |
| Move constructor.
| ~Container () override |
| Destructor.
Container & | operator= (const Container &right) |
| Overload of copy assignment operator.
Container & | operator= (Container &&right) noexcept |
| Overload of move assignment operator.
const std::vector< Widget::Ptr > & | getWidgets () const |
| Returns a list of all the widgets in this container.
template<typename Function > |
void | sortWidgets (Function &&function) |
| Sorts a list of all the widgets in this container.
Widget::Ptr | get (const String &widgetName) const |
| Returns a pointer to a widget that was added earlier.
template<class WidgetType > |
WidgetType::Ptr | get (const String &widgetName) const |
| Returns a pointer to a widget that was added earlier.
void | loadWidgetsFromFile (const String &filename, bool replaceExisting=true) |
| Loads the child widgets from a text file.
void | saveWidgetsToFile (const String &filename) |
| Saves the child widgets to a text file.
void | loadWidgetsFromStream (std::stringstream &stream, bool replaceExisting=true) |
| Loads the child widgets from a string stream.
void | loadWidgetsFromStream (std::stringstream &&stream, bool replaceExisting=true) |
| Loads the child widgets from a string stream.
void | saveWidgetsToStream (std::stringstream &stream, const String &rootDirectory="") const |
| Saves the child widgets to a text file.
void | loadWidgetsFromNodeTree (const std::unique_ptr< DataIO::Node > &rootNode, bool replaceExisting=true) |
| Loads the child widgets from a tree of nodes that contain all information about the widgets.
std::unique_ptr< DataIO::Node > | saveWidgetsToNodeTree (const String &rootDirectory="") const |
| Saves the child widgets to a tree of nodes that contain all information about the widgets.
void | moveWidgetToFront (const Widget::Ptr &widget) |
| Places a widget before all other widgets, to the front of the z-order.
void | moveWidgetToBack (const Widget::Ptr &widget) |
| Places a widget behind all other widgets, to the back of the z-order.
std::size_t | moveWidgetForward (const Widget::Ptr &widget) |
| Places a widget one step forward in the z-order.
std::size_t | moveWidgetBackward (const Widget::Ptr &widget) |
| Places a widget one step backward in the z-order.
int | getWidgetIndex (const Widget::Ptr &widget) const |
| Returns the current index of a widget in this container.
Widget::Ptr | getFocusedChild () const |
| Returns the child widget that is focused inside this container.
Widget::Ptr | getFocusedLeaf () const |
| Returns the leaf child widget that is focused inside this container.
virtual Widget::Ptr | getWidgetAtPosition (Vector2f pos) const |
| Returns the leaf child widget that is located at the given position.
virtual Widget::Ptr | getWidgetAtPos (Vector2f pos, bool recursive) const |
| Returns the widget that is located at the given position.
bool | focusNextWidget (bool recursive=true) |
| Focuses the next widget in this container.
bool | focusPreviousWidget (bool recursive=true) |
| Focuses the previous widget in this container.
void | setFocused (bool focused) override |
| Focus or unfocus the widget.
bool | processMouseMoveEvent (Vector2f pos) |
| Inform the container about a mouse move event.
bool | processMousePressEvent (Event::MouseButton button, Vector2f pos) |
| Inform the container about a mouse press event.
bool | processMouseReleaseEvent (Event::MouseButton button, Vector2f pos) |
| Inform the container about a mouse release event.
bool | processScrollEvent (float delta, Vector2f pos, bool touch) |
| Inform the container about a scroll event (either mouse wheel or two finger scrolling on touchscreen)
bool | processKeyPressEvent (Event::KeyEvent event) |
| Inform the container about a key press event.
bool | processTextEnteredEvent (char32_t key) |
| Inform the container about a key press event.
void | childWidgetFocused (const Widget::Ptr &child) |
bool | leftMousePressed (Vector2f pos) override |
| Called by the parent when the left mouse button goes down on top of the widget.
void | rightMousePressed (Vector2f pos) override |
void | leftMouseReleased (Vector2f pos) override |
void | rightMouseReleased (Vector2f pos) override |
void | mouseMoved (Vector2f pos) override |
void | keyPressed (const Event::KeyEvent &event) override |
bool | canHandleKeyPress (const Event::KeyEvent &event) override |
| Called by the parent of the widget to check if keyPressed would process the event.
void | textEntered (char32_t key) override |
bool | scrolled (float delta, Vector2f pos, bool touch) override |
| Called by the parent on scroll event (either from mouse wheel of from two finger scrolling on a touchscreen)
void | mouseNoLongerOnWidget () override |
void | leftMouseButtonNoLongerDown () override |
void | rightMouseButtonNoLongerDown () override |
Widget::Ptr | askToolTip (Vector2f mousePos) override |
bool | updateTime (Duration elapsedTime) override |
void | setParent (Container *parent) override |
void | setParentGui (BackendGui *gui) |
void | updateChildrenWithAutoLayout () |
void | setSize (Layout width, Layout height) |
| Changes the size of the widget.
| Widget (const char *typeName, bool initRenderer) |
| Widget (const Widget &) |
| Copy constructor.
| Widget (Widget &&) noexcept |
| Move constructor.
virtual | ~Widget () |
| Destructor.
Widget & | operator= (const Widget &) |
| Overload of copy assignment operator.
Widget & | operator= (Widget &&) noexcept |
| Move assignment.
void | setRenderer (std::shared_ptr< RendererData > rendererData) |
| Sets a new renderer for the widget. The renderer determines how the widget looks.
virtual void | setPosition (const Layout2d &position) |
| sets the position of the widget
void | setPosition (Layout x, Layout y) |
| Sets the position of the widget.
Vector2f | getPosition () const |
| Gets the position of the widget.
void | setSize (Layout width, Layout height) |
| Changes the size of the widget.
void | setWidth (Layout width) |
| Changes the width of the widget.
void | setHeight (Layout height) |
| Changes the height of the widget.
Vector2f | getSize () const |
| Returns the size of the widget.
virtual Vector2f | getFullSize () const |
| Returns the entire size that the widget is using.
virtual Vector2f | getAbsolutePosition (Vector2f offset={}) const |
| Get the absolute position of the widget instead of the relative position to its parent.
virtual Vector2f | getWidgetOffset () const |
| Returns the distance between the position where the widget is drawn and where the widget is placed.
void | setAutoLayout (AutoLayout layout) |
| Sets how the position is determined compared to the other widgets in the parent.
AutoLayout | getAutoLayout () const |
| Returns how the position is determined compared to the other widgets in the parent.
void | setOrigin (float x, float y) |
| Sets the origin point on which the position, scale and rotation is based.
void | setOrigin (Vector2f origin) |
| Sets the origin point on which the position, scale and rotation is based.
Vector2f | getOrigin () const |
| Returns the relative origin point on which the position, scale and rotation is based.
void | setScale (Vector2f scaleFactors) |
| Sets the scaling to be applied to the widget.
void | setScale (Vector2f scaleFactors, Vector2f origin) |
| Sets the scaling to be applied to the widget.
void | setScale (float scaleFactor) |
| Sets the scaling to be applied to the widget.
void | setScale (float scaleFactor, Vector2f origin) |
| Sets the scaling to be applied to the widget.
Vector2f | getScale () const |
| Returns the scaling to be applied to the widget.
Vector2f | getScaleOrigin () const |
| Returns the origin used for scaling.
void | setRotation (float angle) |
| Sets the rotation to be applied to the widget.
void | setRotation (float angle, Vector2f origin) |
| Sets the rotation to be applied to the widget.
float | getRotation () const |
| Returns the rotation to be applied to the widget.
Vector2f | getRotationOrigin () const |
| Returns the origin used for rotations.
void | showWithEffect (ShowEffectType type, Duration duration) |
| Shows the widget by introducing it with an animation.
void | hideWithEffect (ShowEffectType type, Duration duration) |
| Hides the widget by making it leave with an animation.
void | moveWithAnimation (Layout2d position, Duration duration) |
| Moves the widget from its current position to the given position, over a given duration.
void | resizeWithAnimation (Layout2d size, Duration duration) |
| Resizes the widget from its current size to the given size, over a given duration.
virtual void | setVisible (bool visible) |
| Shows or hides a widget.
bool | isVisible () const |
| Returns true when the widget is visible.
virtual void | setEnabled (bool enabled) |
| Enables or disables the widget.
bool | isEnabled () const |
| Returns true when the widget is enabled.
bool | isFocused () const |
| Returns true when the widget is focused and false otherwise.
const String & | getWidgetType () const |
| Returns the type of the widget.
Container * | getParent () const |
| Returns a pointer to the parent widget.
BackendGui * | getParentGui () const |
| Returns a pointer to the gui to which this widget belongs.
bool | isAnimationPlaying () const |
| Returns whether there is an active animation (started with showWithEffect or hideWithEffect)
void | moveToFront () |
| Places the widget before all other widgets.
void | moveToBack () |
| Places the widget behind all other widgets.
void | setUserData (Any userData) |
| Stores some data into the widget.
template<typename DataType > |
DataType | getUserData () const |
| Returns data stored in the widget.
bool | hasUserData () const |
| Returns whether data stored in the widget.
void | setInheritedFont (const Font &font) |
| Sets the font of the widget that is used when no font is set in the renderer.
const Font & | getInheritedFont () const |
| Returns the font of the widget that is used when no font is set in the renderer.
void | setInheritedOpacity (float opacity) |
| Sets the opacity of the widget that will be multiplied with the opacity set in the renderer.
float | getInheritedOpacity () const |
| Returns the opacity of the widget that is multiplied with the opacity set in the renderer.
void | setTextSize (unsigned int size) |
| Changes the character size of text in this widget if it uses text.
unsigned int | getTextSize () const |
| Returns the character size of text in this widget.
void | setToolTip (Widget::Ptr toolTip) |
| Sets the tool tip that should be displayed when hovering over the widget.
Widget::Ptr | getToolTip () const |
| Returns the tool tip that is displayed when hovering over the widget.
void | setWidgetName (const String &name) |
| Changes the name of a widget.
String | getWidgetName () const |
| Returns the name of a widget.
void | setMouseCursor (Cursor::Type cursor) |
| Changes which mouse cursor is shown when hovering over the widget.
Cursor::Type | getMouseCursor () const |
| Returns which mouse cursor is shown when hovering over the widget.
void | setFocusable (bool focusable) |
| Changes whether a widget could be focused.
bool | isFocusable () const |
| Returns whether a widget could be focused.
void | setNavigationUp (const Widget::Ptr &widgetAbove) |
| Changes which widget should become focused when navigating upwards from this widget.
Widget::Ptr | getNavigationUp () const |
| Returns which widget would become focused when navigating upwards from this widget.
void | setNavigationDown (const Widget::Ptr &widgetBelow) |
| Changes which widget should become focused when navigating downwards from this widget.
Widget::Ptr | getNavigationDown () const |
| Returns which widget would become focused when navigating downwards from this widget.
void | setNavigationLeft (const Widget::Ptr &widgetLeft) |
| Changes which widget should become focused when navigating to the left from this widget.
Widget::Ptr | getNavigationLeft () const |
| Returns which widget would become focused when navigating to the left from this widget.
void | setNavigationRight (const Widget::Ptr &widgetRight) |
| Changes which widget should become focused when navigating to the right from this widget.
Widget::Ptr | getNavigationRight () const |
| Returns which widget would become focused when navigating to the right from this widget.
void | setIgnoreMouseEvents (bool ignore) |
| Sets whether the widget should completely ignore mouse events and let them pass to the widgets behind it.
bool | getIgnoreMouseEvents () const |
| Returns whether the widget is ignoring mouse events and letting them pass to the widgets behind it.
void | finishAllAnimations () |
| Makes all animations of the widget finish immediately.
virtual bool | canGainFocus () const |
| Returns whether the widget can currently gain focus.
bool | isContainer () const |
| Returns whether the widget is a container widget or not.
bool | isMouseDown () const |
| Returns whether the left mouse button has been pressed on top of the widget.
virtual Signal & | getSignal (String signalName) |
| Retrieves a signal based on its name.
void | setAutoLayoutUpdateEnabled (bool enabled) |
virtual void | mouseReleased (Event::MouseButton button, Vector2f pos) |
const Layout2d & | getPositionLayout () const |
const Layout2d & | getSizeLayout () const |
void | bindPositionLayout (Layout *layout) |
void | unbindPositionLayout (Layout *layout) |
void | bindSizeLayout (Layout *layout) |
void | unbindSizeLayout (Layout *layout) |
template<typename WidgetType > |
std::shared_ptr< const WidgetType > | cast () const |
| Downcast const widget.
template<typename WidgetType > |
std::shared_ptr< WidgetType > | cast () |
| Downcast widget.
void | rendererChangedCallback (const String &property) |