TGUI  1.7
No Matches

Child window widget. More...

#include <TGUI/Widgets/ChildWindow.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for tgui::ChildWindow:
tgui::Container tgui::Widget tgui::ColorPicker tgui::FileDialog tgui::MessageBox

Public Types

enum  TitleButton : unsigned int { None = 0 , Close = 1 << 0 , Maximize = 1 << 1 , Minimize = 1 << 2 }
 Title buttons (use bitwise OR to combine) More...
enum class  CloseBehavior { None , Hide , Remove }
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<ChildWindow>
 Shared widget pointer.
using ConstPtr = std::shared_ptr<const ChildWindow>
 Shared constant widget pointer.
using TitleAlignment = HorizontalAlignment
 Title alignments, possible options for the setTitleAlignment function.
- Public Types inherited from tgui::Container
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<Container>
 Shared widget pointer.
using ConstPtr = std::shared_ptr<const Container>
 Shared constant widget pointer.
- Public Types inherited from tgui::Widget
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<Widget>
 Shared widget pointer.
using ConstPtr = std::shared_ptr<const Widget>
 Shared constant widget pointer.

Public Member Functions

 ChildWindow (const char *typeName=StaticWidgetType, bool initRenderer=true)
 ChildWindow (const ChildWindow &)
 Copy constructor.
 ChildWindow (ChildWindow &&) noexcept
 Move constructor.
ChildWindowoperator= (const ChildWindow &)
 Overload of copy assignment operator.
ChildWindowoperator= (ChildWindow &&) noexcept
 Overload of move assignment operator.
ChildWindowRenderergetSharedRenderer () override
 Returns the renderer, which gives access to functions that determine how the widget is displayed.
const ChildWindowRenderergetSharedRenderer () const override
ChildWindowRenderergetRenderer () override
 Returns the renderer, which gives access to functions that determine how the widget is displayed.
void setPosition (const Layout2d &position) override
 Sets the position of the widget.
void setSize (const Layout2d &size) override
 Changes the size of the child window.
Vector2f getInnerSize () const override
 Returns the space available for widgets inside the container.
virtual void setClientSize (const Layout2d &size)
 Changes the client size of the child window.
Vector2f getClientSize () const
 Returns the client size of the child window.
void setMaximumSize (Vector2f size)
 Sets the maximum size of the child window.
Vector2f getMaximumSize () const
 Returns the maximum size of the child window.
void setMinimumSize (Vector2f size)
 Sets the minimum size of the child window.
Vector2f getMinimumSize () const
 Returns the minimum size of the child window.
void setTitle (const String &title)
 Changes the title that is displayed in the title bar of the child window.
const StringgetTitle () const
 Returns the title that is displayed in the title bar of the child window.
void setTitleTextSize (unsigned int size)
 Changes the character size of the title.
unsigned int getTitleTextSize () const
 Returns the character size of the title.
void setTitleAlignment (HorizontalAlignment alignment)
 Changes the title alignment.
HorizontalAlignment getTitleAlignment () const
 Returns the title alignment.
void setTitleButtons (unsigned int buttons)
 Changes the title buttons.
unsigned int getTitleButtons () const
 Returns the title bar buttons.
void setCloseBehavior (CloseBehavior behavior)
 Changes the behavior of closing the window.
CloseBehavior getCloseBehavior () const
 Returns the behavior of closing the window.
void close ()
 Try to close the window.
void destroy ()
 Closes the window.
void setResizable (bool resizable=true)
 Changes whether the child window can be resized by dragging its borders or not.
bool isResizable () const
 Checks whether the child window can be resized by dragging its borders or not.
void setPositionLocked (bool positionLocked=true)
 Changes whether the child window can be moved by dragging its title bar or not.
bool isPositionLocked () const
 Checks whether the child window can be moved by dragging its title bar or not.
void setKeepInParent (bool enabled=true)
 Sets the child window to be kept inside its parent.
bool isKeptInParent () const
 Tells whether the child window is kept inside its parent.
bool getKeepInParent () const
 Returns whether the child window is kept inside its parent.
Vector2f getChildWidgetsOffset () const override
 Returns the distance between the position of the container and a widget that would be drawn inside this container on relative position (0,0).
void setParent (Container *parent) override
bool isMouseOnWidget (Vector2f pos) const override
 Returns whether the mouse position (which is relative to the parent widget) lies on top of the widget.
bool leftMousePressed (Vector2f pos) override
 Called by the parent when the left mouse button goes down on top of the widget.
void leftMouseReleased (Vector2f pos) override
void rightMousePressed (Vector2f pos) override
void rightMouseReleased (Vector2f pos) override
void mouseMoved (Vector2f pos) override
void keyPressed (const Event::KeyEvent &event) override
bool canHandleKeyPress (const Event::KeyEvent &event) override
 Called by the parent of the widget to check if keyPressed would process the event.
void mouseNoLongerOnWidget () override
void leftMouseButtonNoLongerDown () override
void draw (BackendRenderTarget &target, RenderStates states) const override
 Draw the widget to a render target.
void setPosition (Layout x, Layout y)
 Sets the position of the widget.
void setSize (Layout width, Layout height)
 Changes the size of the widget.
- Public Member Functions inherited from tgui::Container
 Container (const char *typeName, bool initRenderer)
 Container (const Container &copy)
 Copy constructor.
 Container (Container &&copy) noexcept
 Move constructor.
 ~Container () override
Containeroperator= (const Container &right)
 Overload of copy assignment operator.
Containeroperator= (Container &&right) noexcept
 Overload of move assignment operator.
void setSize (const Layout2d &size) override
 Changes the size of the container.
const std::vector< Widget::Ptr > & getWidgets () const
 Returns a list of all the widgets in this container.
template<typename Function >
void sortWidgets (Function &&function)
 Sorts a list of all the widgets in this container.
virtual void add (const Widget::Ptr &widgetPtr, const String &widgetName="")
 Adds a widget to the container.
Widget::Ptr get (const String &widgetName) const
 Returns a pointer to a widget that was added earlier.
template<class WidgetType >
WidgetType::Ptr get (const String &widgetName) const
 Returns a pointer to a widget that was added earlier.
virtual bool remove (const Widget::Ptr &widget)
 Removes a single widget that was added to the container.
virtual void removeAllWidgets ()
 Removes all widgets that were added to the container.
void loadWidgetsFromFile (const String &filename, bool replaceExisting=true)
 Loads the child widgets from a text file.
void saveWidgetsToFile (const String &filename)
 Saves the child widgets to a text file.
void loadWidgetsFromStream (std::stringstream &stream, bool replaceExisting=true)
 Loads the child widgets from a string stream.
void loadWidgetsFromStream (std::stringstream &&stream, bool replaceExisting=true)
 Loads the child widgets from a string stream.
void saveWidgetsToStream (std::stringstream &stream, const String &rootDirectory="") const
 Saves the child widgets to a text file.
void loadWidgetsFromNodeTree (const std::unique_ptr< DataIO::Node > &rootNode, bool replaceExisting=true)
 Loads the child widgets from a tree of nodes that contain all information about the widgets.
std::unique_ptr< DataIO::Node > saveWidgetsToNodeTree (const String &rootDirectory="") const
 Saves the child widgets to a tree of nodes that contain all information about the widgets.
void moveWidgetToFront (const Widget::Ptr &widget)
 Places a widget before all other widgets, to the front of the z-order.
void moveWidgetToBack (const Widget::Ptr &widget)
 Places a widget behind all other widgets, to the back of the z-order.
std::size_t moveWidgetForward (const Widget::Ptr &widget)
 Places a widget one step forward in the z-order.
std::size_t moveWidgetBackward (const Widget::Ptr &widget)
 Places a widget one step backward in the z-order.
virtual bool setWidgetIndex (const Widget::Ptr &widget, std::size_t index)
 Changes the index of a widget in this container.
int getWidgetIndex (const Widget::Ptr &widget) const
 Returns the current index of a widget in this container.
Widget::Ptr getFocusedChild () const
 Returns the child widget that is focused inside this container.
Widget::Ptr getFocusedLeaf () const
 Returns the leaf child widget that is focused inside this container.
virtual Widget::Ptr getWidgetAtPosition (Vector2f pos) const
 Returns the leaf child widget that is located at the given position.
virtual Widget::Ptr getWidgetAtPos (Vector2f pos, bool recursive) const
 Returns the widget that is located at the given position.
bool focusNextWidget (bool recursive=true)
 Focuses the next widget in this container.
bool focusPreviousWidget (bool recursive=true)
 Focuses the previous widget in this container.
void setFocused (bool focused) override
 Focus or unfocus the widget.
bool processMouseMoveEvent (Vector2f pos)
 Inform the container about a mouse move event.
bool processMousePressEvent (Event::MouseButton button, Vector2f pos)
 Inform the container about a mouse press event.
bool processMouseReleaseEvent (Event::MouseButton button, Vector2f pos)
 Inform the container about a mouse release event.
bool processScrollEvent (float delta, Vector2f pos, bool touch)
 Inform the container about a scroll event (either mouse wheel or two finger scrolling on touchscreen)
bool processKeyPressEvent (Event::KeyEvent event)
 Inform the container about a key press event.
bool processTextEnteredEvent (char32_t key)
 Inform the container about a key press event.
void childWidgetFocused (const Widget::Ptr &child)
bool leftMousePressed (Vector2f pos) override
 Called by the parent when the left mouse button goes down on top of the widget.
void rightMousePressed (Vector2f pos) override
void leftMouseReleased (Vector2f pos) override
void rightMouseReleased (Vector2f pos) override
void mouseMoved (Vector2f pos) override
void keyPressed (const Event::KeyEvent &event) override
bool canHandleKeyPress (const Event::KeyEvent &event) override
 Called by the parent of the widget to check if keyPressed would process the event.
void textEntered (char32_t key) override
bool scrolled (float delta, Vector2f pos, bool touch) override
 Called by the parent on scroll event (either from mouse wheel of from two finger scrolling on a touchscreen)
void mouseNoLongerOnWidget () override
void leftMouseButtonNoLongerDown () override
void rightMouseButtonNoLongerDown () override
Widget::Ptr askToolTip (Vector2f mousePos) override
bool updateTime (Duration elapsedTime) override
void setParent (Container *parent) override
void setParentGui (BackendGui *gui)
void updateChildrenWithAutoLayout ()
void setSize (Layout width, Layout height)
 Changes the size of the widget.
- Public Member Functions inherited from tgui::Widget
 Widget (const char *typeName, bool initRenderer)
 Widget (const Widget &)
 Copy constructor.
 Widget (Widget &&) noexcept
 Move constructor.
virtual ~Widget ()
Widgetoperator= (const Widget &)
 Overload of copy assignment operator.
Widgetoperator= (Widget &&) noexcept
 Move assignment.
void setRenderer (std::shared_ptr< RendererData > rendererData)
 Sets a new renderer for the widget. The renderer determines how the widget looks.
void setPosition (Layout x, Layout y)
 Sets the position of the widget.
Vector2f getPosition () const
 Gets the position of the widget.
void setSize (Layout width, Layout height)
 Changes the size of the widget.
void setWidth (Layout width)
 Changes the width of the widget.
void setHeight (Layout height)
 Changes the height of the widget.
Vector2f getSize () const
 Returns the size of the widget.
virtual Vector2f getFullSize () const
 Returns the entire size that the widget is using.
virtual Vector2f getAbsolutePosition (Vector2f offset={}) const
 Get the absolute position of the widget instead of the relative position to its parent.
virtual Vector2f getWidgetOffset () const
 Returns the distance between the position where the widget is drawn and where the widget is placed.
void setAutoLayout (AutoLayout layout)
 Sets how the position is determined compared to the other widgets in the parent.
AutoLayout getAutoLayout () const
 Returns how the position is determined compared to the other widgets in the parent.
void setOrigin (float x, float y)
 Sets the origin point on which the position, scale and rotation is based.
void setOrigin (Vector2f origin)
 Sets the origin point on which the position, scale and rotation is based.
Vector2f getOrigin () const
 Returns the relative origin point on which the position, scale and rotation is based.
void setScale (Vector2f scaleFactors)
 Sets the scaling to be applied to the widget.
void setScale (Vector2f scaleFactors, Vector2f origin)
 Sets the scaling to be applied to the widget.
void setScale (float scaleFactor)
 Sets the scaling to be applied to the widget.
void setScale (float scaleFactor, Vector2f origin)
 Sets the scaling to be applied to the widget.
Vector2f getScale () const
 Returns the scaling to be applied to the widget.
Vector2f getScaleOrigin () const
 Returns the origin used for scaling.
void setRotation (float angle)
 Sets the rotation to be applied to the widget.
void setRotation (float angle, Vector2f origin)
 Sets the rotation to be applied to the widget.
float getRotation () const
 Returns the rotation to be applied to the widget.
Vector2f getRotationOrigin () const
 Returns the origin used for rotations.
void showWithEffect (ShowEffectType type, Duration duration)
 Shows the widget by introducing it with an animation.
void hideWithEffect (ShowEffectType type, Duration duration)
 Hides the widget by making it leave with an animation.
void moveWithAnimation (Layout2d position, Duration duration)
 Moves the widget from its current position to the given position, over a given duration.
void resizeWithAnimation (Layout2d size, Duration duration)
 Resizes the widget from its current size to the given size, over a given duration.
virtual void setVisible (bool visible)
 Shows or hides a widget.
bool isVisible () const
 Returns true when the widget is visible.
virtual void setEnabled (bool enabled)
 Enables or disables the widget.
bool isEnabled () const
 Returns true when the widget is enabled.
bool isFocused () const
 Returns true when the widget is focused and false otherwise.
const StringgetWidgetType () const
 Returns the type of the widget.
ContainergetParent () const
 Returns a pointer to the parent widget.
BackendGuigetParentGui () const
 Returns a pointer to the gui to which this widget belongs.
bool isAnimationPlaying () const
 Returns whether there is an active animation (started with showWithEffect or hideWithEffect)
void moveToFront ()
 Places the widget before all other widgets.
void moveToBack ()
 Places the widget behind all other widgets.
void setUserData (Any userData)
 Stores some data into the widget.
template<typename DataType >
DataType getUserData () const
 Returns data stored in the widget.
bool hasUserData () const
 Returns whether data stored in the widget.
void setInheritedFont (const Font &font)
 Sets the font of the widget that is used when no font is set in the renderer.
const FontgetInheritedFont () const
 Returns the font of the widget that is used when no font is set in the renderer.
void setInheritedOpacity (float opacity)
 Sets the opacity of the widget that will be multiplied with the opacity set in the renderer.
float getInheritedOpacity () const
 Returns the opacity of the widget that is multiplied with the opacity set in the renderer.
void setTextSize (unsigned int size)
 Changes the character size of text in this widget if it uses text.
unsigned int getTextSize () const
 Returns the character size of text in this widget.
void setToolTip (Widget::Ptr toolTip)
 Sets the tool tip that should be displayed when hovering over the widget.
Widget::Ptr getToolTip () const
 Returns the tool tip that is displayed when hovering over the widget.
void setWidgetName (const String &name)
 Changes the name of a widget.
String getWidgetName () const
 Returns the name of a widget.
void setMouseCursor (Cursor::Type cursor)
 Changes which mouse cursor is shown when hovering over the widget.
Cursor::Type getMouseCursor () const
 Returns which mouse cursor is shown when hovering over the widget.
void setFocusable (bool focusable)
 Changes whether a widget could be focused.
bool isFocusable () const
 Returns whether a widget could be focused.
void setNavigationUp (const Widget::Ptr &widgetAbove)
 Changes which widget should become focused when navigating upwards from this widget.
Widget::Ptr getNavigationUp () const
 Returns which widget would become focused when navigating upwards from this widget.
void setNavigationDown (const Widget::Ptr &widgetBelow)
 Changes which widget should become focused when navigating downwards from this widget.
Widget::Ptr getNavigationDown () const
 Returns which widget would become focused when navigating downwards from this widget.
void setNavigationLeft (const Widget::Ptr &widgetLeft)
 Changes which widget should become focused when navigating to the left from this widget.
Widget::Ptr getNavigationLeft () const
 Returns which widget would become focused when navigating to the left from this widget.
void setNavigationRight (const Widget::Ptr &widgetRight)
 Changes which widget should become focused when navigating to the right from this widget.
Widget::Ptr getNavigationRight () const
 Returns which widget would become focused when navigating to the right from this widget.
void setIgnoreMouseEvents (bool ignore)
 Sets whether the widget should completely ignore mouse events and let them pass to the widgets behind it.
bool getIgnoreMouseEvents () const
 Returns whether the widget is ignoring mouse events and letting them pass to the widgets behind it.
void finishAllAnimations ()
 Makes all animations of the widget finish immediately.
virtual bool canGainFocus () const
 Returns whether the widget can currently gain focus.
bool isContainer () const
 Returns whether the widget is a container widget or not.
bool isMouseDown () const
 Returns whether the left mouse button has been pressed on top of the widget.
void setAutoLayoutUpdateEnabled (bool enabled)
virtual void mouseReleased (Event::MouseButton button, Vector2f pos)
const Layout2dgetPositionLayout () const
const Layout2dgetSizeLayout () const
void bindPositionLayout (Layout *layout)
void unbindPositionLayout (Layout *layout)
void bindSizeLayout (Layout *layout)
void unbindSizeLayout (Layout *layout)
template<typename WidgetType >
std::shared_ptr< const WidgetType > cast () const
 Downcast const widget.
template<typename WidgetType >
std::shared_ptr< WidgetType > cast ()
 Downcast widget.
void rendererChangedCallback (const String &property)

Static Public Member Functions

static ChildWindow::Ptr create (const String &title="", unsigned int titleButtons=TitleButton::Close)
 Creates a new child window widget.
static ChildWindow::Ptr copy (const ChildWindow::ConstPtr &childWindow)
 Makes a copy of another child window.

Public Attributes

Signal onMousePress = {"MousePressed"}
 The mouse went down on the widget.
SignalChildWindow onClose = {"Closed"}
 The window was closed. Optional parameter: pointer to the window.
SignalChildWindow onMinimize = {"Minimized"}
 The window was minimized. Optional parameter: pointer to the window.
SignalChildWindow onMaximize = {"Maximized"}
 The window was maximized. Optional parameter: pointer to the window.
SignalChildWindow onEscapeKeyPress = {"EscapeKeyPressed"}
 The escape key was pressed while the child window was focused. Optional parameter: pointer to the window.
SignalTyped< bool * > onClosing = {"Closing"}
- Public Attributes inherited from tgui::Widget
SignalVector2f onPositionChange = {"PositionChanged"}
 The position of the widget changed. Optional parameter: new position.
SignalVector2f onSizeChange = {"SizeChanged"}
 The size of the widget changed. Optional parameter: new size.
Signal onFocus = {"Focused"}
 The widget was focused.
Signal onUnfocus = {"Unfocused"}
 The widget was unfocused.
Signal onMouseEnter = {"MouseEntered"}
 The mouse entered the widget.
Signal onMouseLeave = {"MouseLeft"}
 The mouse left the widget.
SignalShowEffect onShowEffectFinish = {"ShowEffectFinished"}
 A show or hide effect finished. Optional parameters: effect type, new widget visibility or both.
SignalAnimationType onAnimationFinish = {"AnimationFinished"}
 An animation has finished.

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr const char StaticWidgetType [] = "ChildWindow"
 Type name of the widget.

Protected Types

enum  ResizeDirection {
  ResizeNone = 0 , ResizeLeft = 1 , ResizeTop = 2 , ResizeRight = 4 ,
  ResizeBottom = 8
- Protected Types inherited from tgui::Widget
using SavingRenderersMap = std::map<const Widget*, std::pair<std::unique_ptr<DataIO::Node>, String>>
using LoadingRenderersMap = std::map<String, std::shared_ptr<RendererData>>

Protected Member Functions

void updateTitleBarHeight ()
void updateResizeMouseCursor (Vector2f mousePos)
SignalgetSignal (String signalName) override
 Retrieves a signal based on its name.
void rendererChanged (const String &property) override
 Function called when one of the properties of the renderer is changed.
std::unique_ptr< DataIO::Node > save (SavingRenderersMap &renderers) const override
 Saves the widget as a tree node in order to save it to a file.
void load (const std::unique_ptr< DataIO::Node > &node, const LoadingRenderersMap &renderers) override
 Loads the widget from a tree of nodes.
void mouseEnteredWidget () override
 This function is called when the mouse enters the widget.
void mouseLeftWidget () override
 This function is called when the mouse leaves the widget.
Widget::Ptr clone () const override
 Makes a copy of the widget if you don't know its exact type.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from tgui::Container
void rendererChanged (const String &property) override
 Function called when one of the properties of the renderer is changed.
void draw (BackendRenderTarget &target, RenderStates states) const override
 Draw the child widgets to a render target.
std::unique_ptr< DataIO::Node > save (SavingRenderersMap &renderers) const override
 Saves the widget as a tree node in order to save it to a file.
void load (const std::unique_ptr< DataIO::Node > &node, const LoadingRenderersMap &renderers) override
 Loads the widget from a tree of nodes.
void updateTextSize () override
 Called when the text size is changed (either by setTextSize or via the renderer)
Widget::Ptr getWidgetBelowMouse (Vector2f mousePos) const
Widget::Ptr updateWidgetBelowMouse (Vector2f mousePos)
std::size_t getFocusedWidgetIndex () const
bool tryFocusWidget (const Widget::Ptr &widget, bool reverseWidgetOrder, bool recursive)
Vector2f transformMousePos (const Widget::Ptr &widget, Vector2f mousePos) const
void widgetAdded (const Widget::Ptr &widgetPtr)
void injectFormFilePath (const std::unique_ptr< DataIO::Node > &node, const String &path, std::map< String, bool > &checkedFilenames) const
void loadWidgetsImpl (const std::unique_ptr< DataIO::Node > &rootNode, bool replaceExisting)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from tgui::Widget
void recalculateBoundPositionLayouts ()
 Calls recalculateValue() on each layout in m_boundPositionLayouts.
void recalculateBoundSizeLayouts ()
 Calls recalculateValue() on each layout in m_boundSizeLayouts.

Protected Attributes

Text m_titleText
Vector2f m_draggingPosition
Vector2f m_maximumSize = {std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(), std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()}
Vector2f m_minimumSize = {0, 0}
Layoutm_decorationLayoutX = nullptr
Layoutm_decorationLayoutY = nullptr
HorizontalAlignment m_titleAlignment = HorizontalAlignment::Center
unsigned int m_titleButtons = TitleButton::Close
unsigned int m_titleTextSize = 0
Cursor::Type m_currentChildWindowMouseCursor = Cursor::Type::Arrow
CloseBehavior m_closeBehavior = CloseBehavior::Remove
CopiedSharedPtr< Buttonm_closeButton
CopiedSharedPtr< Buttonm_minimizeButton
CopiedSharedPtr< Buttonm_maximizeButton
bool m_mouseDownOnTitleBar = false
bool m_keepInParent = false
bool m_positionLocked = false
bool m_resizable = false
int m_resizeDirection = ResizeNone
Sprite m_spriteTitleBar
Sprite m_spriteBackground
Borders m_bordersCached
Color m_borderColorCached
Color m_borderColorFocusedCached
Color m_titleColorCached
Color m_titleBarColorCached
Color m_backgroundColorCached
float m_titleBarHeightCached = 20
float m_borderBelowTitleBarCached = 0
float m_distanceToSideCached = 0
float m_paddingBetweenButtonsCached = 0
float m_minimumResizableBorderWidthCached = 10
bool m_showTextOnTitleButtonsCached = false
- Protected Attributes inherited from tgui::Container
std::vector< Widget::Ptrm_widgets
Widget::Ptr m_widgetBelowMouse
Widget::Ptr m_widgetWithLeftMouseDown
Widget::Ptr m_widgetWithRightMouseDown
Widget::Ptr m_focusedWidget
bool m_draggingWidget = false
Vector2f m_prevInnerSize
bool m_isolatedFocus = false
- Protected Attributes inherited from tgui::Widget
String m_type
String m_name
Layout2d m_position
 Stores the position of this widget.
Layout2d m_size
 Stores the size of this widget.
unsigned int m_textSize = 0
Vector2f m_origin
Optional< Vector2fm_rotationOrigin
Optional< Vector2fm_scaleOrigin
Vector2f m_scaleFactors = {1, 1}
float m_rotationDeg = 0
Vector2f m_prevPosition
Vector2f m_prevSize
std::unordered_set< Layout * > m_boundPositionLayouts
std::unordered_set< Layout * > m_boundSizeLayouts
bool m_enabled = true
 Stores the flag indicating whether this widget is enabled.
bool m_visible = true
 Stores the flag indicating whether this widget is visible.
Containerm_parent = nullptr
BackendGuim_parentGui = nullptr
bool m_mouseHover = false
bool m_mouseDown = false
bool m_focused = false
bool m_focusable = true
std::weak_ptr< Widgetm_navWidgetUp
std::weak_ptr< Widgetm_navWidgetDown
std::weak_ptr< Widgetm_navWidgetRight
std::weak_ptr< Widgetm_navWidgetLeft
Duration m_animationTimeElapsed
bool m_containerWidget = false
Widget::Ptr m_toolTip = nullptr
aurora::CopiedPtr< WidgetRendererm_renderer = nullptr
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< priv::Animation > > m_showAnimations
Font m_inheritedFont
float m_inheritedOpacity = 1
Any m_userData
Cursor::Type m_mouseCursor = Cursor::Type::Arrow
AutoLayout m_autoLayout = AutoLayout::Manual
bool m_autoLayoutUpdateEnabled = true
bool m_ignoreMouseEvents = false
Font m_fontCached = Font::getGlobalFont()
float m_opacityCached = 1
bool m_transparentTextureCached = false
unsigned int m_textSizeCached = 0

Detailed Description

Child window widget.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ CloseBehavior

Defines what the child window should do inside its close() function (which is called when the close button is pressed)

TGUI 1.6

Nothing should happen after the onClose callback is called. The window remains visible (unless the onClose callback did something).


childWindow->setVisible(false) is called after the onClose callback is called


parent->remove(childWindow) is called after the onClose callback is called

◆ TitleButton

Title buttons (use bitwise OR to combine)


No buttons.


Include a close button.


Include a maximize button.


Include a minimize button.

Member Function Documentation

◆ canHandleKeyPress()

bool tgui::ChildWindow::canHandleKeyPress ( const Event::KeyEvent & event)

Called by the parent of the widget to check if keyPressed would process the event.

eventKey event that took place
True if the event would be handled by the widget, false if the key event doesn't affect the widget
TGUI 1.1

Reimplemented from tgui::Widget.

Reimplemented in tgui::FileDialog.

◆ clone()

Widget::Ptr tgui::ChildWindow::clone ( ) const

Makes a copy of the widget if you don't know its exact type.

This function should only be used when you don't know the type of the widget. If you know what kind of widget you are copying, you should use the copy function.

Copy of the widget

Implements tgui::Widget.

Reimplemented in tgui::ColorPicker, tgui::FileDialog, and tgui::MessageBox.

◆ close()

void tgui::ChildWindow::close ( )

Try to close the window.

This will trigger the onClosing signal. If a callback function for this signal sets the abort parameter to true then the window will remain open. Otherwise the onClose signal is triggered and the chosen closing behavior is executed.

If you want to "close" the window without those callbacks being triggered then you should just remove the child window from the parent to which it was added (i.e. parent->remove(childWindow)).

◆ copy()

static ChildWindow::Ptr tgui::ChildWindow::copy ( const ChildWindow::ConstPtr & childWindow)

Makes a copy of another child window.

childWindowThe other child window
The new child window

◆ create()

static ChildWindow::Ptr tgui::ChildWindow::create ( const String & title = "",
unsigned int titleButtons = TitleButton::Close )

Creates a new child window widget.

The new child window

◆ destroy()

void tgui::ChildWindow::destroy ( )

Closes the window.

This function is equivalent to removing the window from its parent. If you want to be receive a callback and have the ability to abort the operation then you should use the close() function instead.

◆ draw()

void tgui::ChildWindow::draw ( BackendRenderTarget & target,
RenderStates states ) const

Draw the widget to a render target.

targetRender target to draw to
statesCurrent render states

Implements tgui::Widget.

Reimplemented in tgui::ColorPicker.

◆ getChildWidgetsOffset()

Vector2f tgui::ChildWindow::getChildWidgetsOffset ( ) const

Returns the distance between the position of the container and a widget that would be drawn inside this container on relative position (0,0).

Offset of the widgets in the container

Reimplemented from tgui::Container.

◆ getClientSize()

Vector2f tgui::ChildWindow::getClientSize ( ) const

Returns the client size of the child window.

Size of the child window contents

This sets the size of the child window excluding the title bar and the borders.

◆ getCloseBehavior()

CloseBehavior tgui::ChildWindow::getCloseBehavior ( ) const

Returns the behavior of closing the window.

What the close() function does after calling the onClose callback

The default close behavior is Remove.

TGUI 1.6

◆ getInnerSize()

Vector2f tgui::ChildWindow::getInnerSize ( ) const

Returns the space available for widgets inside the container.

Size without borders title bar

For ChildWindow, the inner size is the same as the client size.

Reimplemented from tgui::Container.

◆ getKeepInParent()

bool tgui::ChildWindow::getKeepInParent ( ) const

Returns whether the child window is kept inside its parent.

When it's set to true, the child window will always be kept automatically inside its parent. It's set to false by default.
TGUI 1.3

◆ getMaximumSize()

Vector2f tgui::ChildWindow::getMaximumSize ( ) const

Returns the maximum size of the child window.

Maximum size of the child window

This size includes the title bar and the borders.

◆ getMinimumSize()

Vector2f tgui::ChildWindow::getMinimumSize ( ) const

Returns the minimum size of the child window.

Minimum size of the child window

This size includes the title bar and the borders.

◆ getRenderer()

ChildWindowRenderer * tgui::ChildWindow::getRenderer ( )

Returns the renderer, which gives access to functions that determine how the widget is displayed.

Temporary pointer to the renderer
After calling this function, the widget has its own copy of the renderer and it will no longer be shared.

Reimplemented from tgui::Widget.

Reimplemented in tgui::ColorPicker, tgui::FileDialog, and tgui::MessageBox.

◆ getSharedRenderer() [1/2]

const ChildWindowRenderer * tgui::ChildWindow::getSharedRenderer ( ) const

Reimplemented from tgui::Widget.

◆ getSharedRenderer() [2/2]

ChildWindowRenderer * tgui::ChildWindow::getSharedRenderer ( )

Returns the renderer, which gives access to functions that determine how the widget is displayed.

Temporary pointer to the renderer that may be shared with other widgets using the same renderer

Reimplemented from tgui::Widget.

Reimplemented in tgui::ColorPicker, tgui::FileDialog, and tgui::MessageBox.

◆ getSignal()

Signal & tgui::ChildWindow::getSignal ( String signalName)

Retrieves a signal based on its name.

signalNameName of the signal
Signal that corresponds to the name
Exceptionwhen the name does not match any signal

Reimplemented from tgui::Widget.

Reimplemented in tgui::ColorPicker, tgui::FileDialog, and tgui::MessageBox.

◆ getTitle()

const String & tgui::ChildWindow::getTitle ( ) const

Returns the title that is displayed in the title bar of the child window.

Title of the child window

◆ getTitleAlignment()

HorizontalAlignment tgui::ChildWindow::getTitleAlignment ( ) const

Returns the title alignment.

How the title is aligned in the title bar

◆ getTitleButtons()

unsigned int tgui::ChildWindow::getTitleButtons ( ) const

Returns the title bar buttons.

Which buttons are available in the title bar

◆ getTitleTextSize()

unsigned int tgui::ChildWindow::getTitleTextSize ( ) const

Returns the character size of the title.

The current title text size

◆ isKeptInParent()

bool tgui::ChildWindow::isKeptInParent ( ) const

Tells whether the child window is kept inside its parent.

When it's set to true, the child window will always be kept automatically inside its parent. It's set to false by default.

◆ isMouseOnWidget()

bool tgui::ChildWindow::isMouseOnWidget ( Vector2f pos) const

Returns whether the mouse position (which is relative to the parent widget) lies on top of the widget.

Is the mouse on top of the widget?

Implements tgui::Widget.

◆ isPositionLocked()

bool tgui::ChildWindow::isPositionLocked ( ) const

Checks whether the child window can be moved by dragging its title bar or not.

Is the child window frozen at its current position?

◆ isResizable()

bool tgui::ChildWindow::isResizable ( ) const

Checks whether the child window can be resized by dragging its borders or not.

Can the user change the size of the window by dragging one of the borders?

◆ keyPressed()

void tgui::ChildWindow::keyPressed ( const Event::KeyEvent & event)

Reimplemented from tgui::Widget.

◆ leftMouseButtonNoLongerDown()

void tgui::ChildWindow::leftMouseButtonNoLongerDown ( )

Reimplemented from tgui::Widget.

◆ leftMousePressed()

bool tgui::ChildWindow::leftMousePressed ( Vector2f pos)

Called by the parent when the left mouse button goes down on top of the widget.

posMouse position in view coordinates relative to the parent widget
True if the clicked part of the widget is draggable, i.e. if the widget should continue to receive mouse move events until the mouse is released, even when the mouse leaves the widget. When false is returned, the mouse move events will only be sent to the widget as long as the mouse is on top of the widget.

Reimplemented from tgui::Widget.

Reimplemented in tgui::ColorPicker.

◆ leftMouseReleased()

void tgui::ChildWindow::leftMouseReleased ( Vector2f pos)

Reimplemented from tgui::Widget.

◆ load()

void tgui::ChildWindow::load ( const std::unique_ptr< DataIO::Node > & node,
const LoadingRenderersMap & renderers )

Loads the widget from a tree of nodes.

Reimplemented from tgui::Widget.

Reimplemented in tgui::ColorPicker, tgui::FileDialog, and tgui::MessageBox.

◆ mouseEnteredWidget()

void tgui::ChildWindow::mouseEnteredWidget ( )

This function is called when the mouse enters the widget.

Reimplemented from tgui::Widget.

◆ mouseLeftWidget()

void tgui::ChildWindow::mouseLeftWidget ( )

This function is called when the mouse leaves the widget.

Reimplemented from tgui::Widget.

◆ mouseMoved()

void tgui::ChildWindow::mouseMoved ( Vector2f pos)

Reimplemented from tgui::Widget.

◆ mouseNoLongerOnWidget()

void tgui::ChildWindow::mouseNoLongerOnWidget ( )

Reimplemented from tgui::Widget.

◆ rendererChanged()

void tgui::ChildWindow::rendererChanged ( const String & property)

Function called when one of the properties of the renderer is changed.

propertyName of the property that was changed

Reimplemented from tgui::Widget.

Reimplemented in tgui::ColorPicker, tgui::FileDialog, and tgui::MessageBox.

◆ rightMousePressed()

void tgui::ChildWindow::rightMousePressed ( Vector2f pos)

Reimplemented from tgui::Widget.

◆ rightMouseReleased()

void tgui::ChildWindow::rightMouseReleased ( Vector2f pos)

Reimplemented from tgui::Widget.

◆ save()

std::unique_ptr< DataIO::Node > tgui::ChildWindow::save ( SavingRenderersMap & renderers) const

Saves the widget as a tree node in order to save it to a file.

Reimplemented from tgui::Widget.

Reimplemented in tgui::ColorPicker, tgui::FileDialog, and tgui::MessageBox.

◆ setClientSize()

virtual void tgui::ChildWindow::setClientSize ( const Layout2d & size)

Changes the client size of the child window.

sizeNew size of the child window contents

This sets the size of the child window excluding the title bar and the borders.

Reimplemented in tgui::MessageBox.

◆ setCloseBehavior()

void tgui::ChildWindow::setCloseBehavior ( CloseBehavior behavior)

Changes the behavior of closing the window.

behaviorDefines what the close() function does after calling the onClose callback

The default close behavior is Remove.

TGUI 1.6

◆ setKeepInParent()

void tgui::ChildWindow::setKeepInParent ( bool enabled = true)

Sets the child window to be kept inside its parent.

enabledWhen it's set to true, the child window will always be kept automatically inside its parent. It's set to false by default.

◆ setMaximumSize()

void tgui::ChildWindow::setMaximumSize ( Vector2f size)

Sets the maximum size of the child window.

sizeSets the new maximum size of the child window

This function sets the maximum size of the entire window, including borders and titlebar. If the window is larger than the new maximum size, it will automatically be shrunk.

◆ setMinimumSize()

void tgui::ChildWindow::setMinimumSize ( Vector2f size)

Sets the minimum size of the child window.

sizeSets the new minimum size of the child window

This function sets the minimum size of the entire window, including borders and titlebar. If the window is smaller than the new minimum size, it will automatically be enlarged.

◆ setParent()

void tgui::ChildWindow::setParent ( Container * parent)

Reimplemented from tgui::Widget.

◆ setPosition() [1/2]

void tgui::ChildWindow::setPosition ( const Layout2d & position)

Sets the position of the widget.

This function completely overwrites the previous position. See the move function to apply an offset based on the previous position instead. The default position of a transformable widget is (0, 0).

positionNew position
See also
move, getPosition

Reimplemented from tgui::Widget.

◆ setPosition() [2/2]

void tgui::Widget::setPosition ( Layout x,
Layout y )

Sets the position of the widget.

This function completely overwrites the previous position. See the move function to apply an offset based on the previous position instead. The default position of a transformable widget is (0, 0).

xNew x coordinate
yNew y coordinate
This setPosition overload must never be used from internal TGUI code or by custom widget implementations
This function should not be used if the AutoLayout is set to something other than Manual

◆ setPositionLocked()

void tgui::ChildWindow::setPositionLocked ( bool positionLocked = true)

Changes whether the child window can be moved by dragging its title bar or not.

positionLockedIs the child window frozen at its current position?

Locking the position only affects user interaction, the setPosition function will still move the window.

◆ setResizable()

void tgui::ChildWindow::setResizable ( bool resizable = true)

Changes whether the child window can be resized by dragging its borders or not.

resizableCan the user change the size of the window by dragging one of the borders?

◆ setSize() [1/2]

void tgui::ChildWindow::setSize ( const Layout2d & size)

Changes the size of the child window.

sizeSets the new size of the child window

This is the size of the entire child window, including the title bar and the borders. To set the size of the contents of the window (exluding the title bar and borders), use setClientSize instead.

Reimplemented from tgui::Widget.

Reimplemented in tgui::MessageBox.

◆ setSize() [2/2]

void tgui::Widget::setSize ( Layout width,
Layout height )

Changes the size of the widget.

widthWidth of the widget
heightHeight of the widget
This setSize overload must never be used from internal TGUI code or by custom widget implementations

◆ setTitle()

void tgui::ChildWindow::setTitle ( const String & title)

Changes the title that is displayed in the title bar of the child window.

titleNew title for the child window

◆ setTitleAlignment()

void tgui::ChildWindow::setTitleAlignment ( HorizontalAlignment alignment)

Changes the title alignment.

alignmentHow should the title be aligned in the title bar?

◆ setTitleButtons()

void tgui::ChildWindow::setTitleButtons ( unsigned int buttons)

Changes the title buttons.

buttonsWhich buttons should be available in the title bar?

By default ChildWindows only display a close button. The following example gives the ChildWindow both a minimize and close button.

@ Close
Include a close button.
Definition ChildWindow.hpp:60
@ Minimize
Include a minimize button.
Definition ChildWindow.hpp:62

◆ setTitleTextSize()

void tgui::ChildWindow::setTitleTextSize ( unsigned int size)

Changes the character size of the title.

sizeThe new title text size. If the size is set to 0 then the character size is determined by the height of the title bar.

Member Data Documentation

◆ onClosing

SignalTyped<bool*> tgui::ChildWindow::onClosing = {"Closing"}

The window is about to be closed, unless the "abort" parameter is set to true.

window->onClosing([](bool* abort) { *abort = true; });

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