Visual Studio (precompiled libs)

You MUST use the official sfml 2.3 libraries with the precompiled tgui version! If you use another SFML version, then you will have to recompile TGUI.

Using TGUI

Open the Project Properties.

Visual Studio Project Properties

In both debug and release mode, add the include and library directories.

Visual Studio Additional Include Directories
Visual Studio Additional Library Directories

In both debug and release mode (this time seperately), you must add the library to link with.
When linking statically it will of course become tgui-s.lib and tgui-s-d.lib.
The order of linking is also important: first sfml, then tgui.

Visual Studio Additional Dependencies
Visual Studio Additional Dependencies

When linking dynamically, don’t forget to copy the needed dlls to the directory where your compiled executable is.

You should now be able to use TGUI.