New widgets: GrowHorizontalLayout and GrowVerticalLayout
Fixed some issues with font scale in SFML font backend
Brightness slider in ColorPicker had a wrong size (regression in TGUI 1.6)
ColorPickerRenderer was missing property to style edit boxes
Added CloseBehavior property to ChildWindow
Added addMultipleItems to ListBox and ComboBox
Added getItemByIndex, getIndexById and getIdByIndex to ComboBox
Added setSpinButtonWidth function to SpinControl
Numpad keys may now move the cursor in text fields when Num Lock is off
setOrientation in Slider or SpinButton will no longer flip width and height
setSize in Slider or SpinButton no longer affects orientation once setOrientation is called
Fixed crash on exit when tool tip was visible
Fixed wrong arrow sizes for horizontal spin button
Fixed view not being usable in CanvasSFML
TreeView didn’t visually update when calling setItemIndexInParent or changeItemHierarchy
Added uniform scrollbar access to all widgets with a scrollbar
Added getter for hovered item to ListBox, ListView, PanelListBox, Tabs and TreeView
Added option to buttons to only repond to clicks and ignore space/return key presses
Added setItemIndexInParent and getItemIndexInParent functions to TreeView
Added changeItemHierarchy to TreeView
Scrollbar::setOrientation will no longer flip width and height
Scrollbar::setSize no longer affects orientation once setOrientation is called
Grid didn’t update its size in remove and setAutoSize functions while auto-sizing
Opacity of ScrollablePanel wasn’t applied to its scrollbars
Setting opacity of SeparatorLine had no effect
SFML backend no longer uses sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed to check modifier keys
Fixed infinite loop in Theme::replace (introduced in TGUI 1.4.0)
PanelListBox now has proper background color and borders in White theme
New widget: SplitContainer
Added MaxValue getter to Scrollbar
Added ScrollbarMaxValue getters to widgets with a scrollbar
Added getPixelsPerPoint() to BackendRenderTarget
Inner size of ScrollablePanel now depends on shown scrollbars
Replaced VerticalScroll with Orientation in Slider, Scrollbar and SpinButton
Multiple fixes to EditBoxSlider widget
New backend: raylib
New widget: EditBoxSlider (PR #238)
All widgets can now be configured to ignore mouse events
Added HorizontalLayout and VerticalLayout to replace widget-specific enums
Added method to associate user data to combo box items
Added onWindowFocus and onWindowUnfocus signals
Renamed isKeptInParent to getKeepInParent in ChildWindow
Renamed limitTextWidth to setTextWidthLimited in EditBox
String::fromNumber now supports int8_t (but no longer accepts pointers)
BackendTextureSFML::getInternalTexture() now returns a pointer
BackendFontSFML::getInternalFont() now return a pointer
Added Theme::replace function
Added TreeView::changeItem function
Added TreeView::getNode function
Added ignoreMouseEvents function to canvas widgets
Added Panel::setEventBubbling to enable more intuitive event propagation
Replaced getWidgetAtPosition with getWidgetAtPos
getWidgetBelowMouseCursor was given a parameter for recursive search
Textures with different part rects were incorrectly considered equal
showWithEffect didn’t show widget if a hide animation was still playing
Setting opacity of a SubWidgetContainer didn’t work
SubWidgetContainer didn’t support show/hide animations
Added AutoLayout that lets widget fill entire side of parent
Any column in ListView can now be auto-sized and expanded
Added methods for arrow key navigation between widgets
Added getColumnDesignWidth function to ListView
Added TextOutlineColor and TextOutlineThickness to ProgressBar renderer
MiddleRect of Texture can now be changed after loading
Hover state is now reset when mouse leaves the window
Added PanelListBox widget (PR #193)
FileDialog can now create new folders (PR #192)
Added MessageBox::changeButtons to set multiple buttons at once (PR #215)
Added methods to ScrollablePanel to check if scrollbar is currently shown (PR #213)
Pressing the tab key can now insert custom text in TextArea (PR #211)
Widgets in SubwidgetContainer didn’t inherit the font of the container (PR #208)
Added onCaretPositionChange, getCaretLine() and getCaretColumn() to TextArea (PR #207)
Added onCaretPositionChange signal to EditBox (PR #206)
Added missing getSignal() functions to TabContainer and SpinControl (PR #204)
BoxLayout::setWidgetIndex didn’t immediately update the positions (PR #203)
Added tab alignment and fixed tab size to TabContainer (PR #174)
Added SDL_Renderer, GLFW/OpenGL and SFML/OpenGL backends
Added RichTextLabel widget
Support two finger scrolling on touch screens
Added font scaling to keep text sharp while view is smaller than window size
Textures can now be loaded from base64 string
ListView columns can now be resizable
ListView icons can also be saved in form file
Position of text in buttons can now be changed
Added changeMenuItem function to MenuBar to change the text of a menu
Added SizeHorizontal and SizeVertical mouse cursors
Added hasUserData to Widget
Added LabelAlignment and ButtonAlignment to MessageBox
Added ScrollbarValue to Label
Theme files now support global properties
Theme files now support inheritance between sections
Improved scrolling with nested scrollbars
Added UseWideArrows property to SpinControl
Added moveWithAnimation and resizeWithAnimation functions to Widget
Added case-insensitive variants of startsWith and endsWith to String
Tool tips are now shown on disabled widgets by default
Word-wrapped lines no longer begin with whitespace
IME pre-edit window will be positioned next to the text cursor on Windows
Typing in FileDialog now selects the first file starting with the typed letter
Added getWindow() function to Gui
handleEvent now always returns true for scroll events when mouse is on top of a widget
onFileSelect signal in FileDialog is no longer called on cancel
Renamed onSelectionChanged to onSelectionChange in TabContainer
TabContainer now inherits from Container instead of SubwidgetsContainer
Removed padding from RadioButtonGroup
Black, BabyBlue and TransparentGrey themes can now be used for all widgets
ClientSize of ChildWindow can now be a layout instead of only a constant
TextSize can now also be set in theme file
Many bug fixes and minor improvements
Fixed Gui Builder crash when creating or loading any form
Fixed crash when position of ChildWindow depends on its size
Default theme no longer affects loading widgets from file
Added TextAlignment property to ListBox
Added onScroll signal to ListBox
Added option to show tool tips on disabled widgets
Up and down keys in ListBox now move scrollbar if needed
Renderers shared in form files no longer save in random order
Pasting still worked in TextArea when it was read-only
ListBox::setMaximumItems didn’t reset selected item when removed
Fixed issue with renderer property within custom renderer outside tgui namespace
Parsing invalid UTF-8 character could trigger a debug assert in Visual Studio
Widget could remain in hover state after hiding it
Fixed broken text rendering in SDL/OpenGL backend
List of ComboBox did not use the font set in the ComboBox
Keeping child window inside parent didn’t take origin into account
Added RoundedBorderRadius property to Panel renderer
Touch events didn’t work in SDL backend
Default DistanceToSide in Tabs is now rounded to nearest integer
Adding widget to container no longer overwrites name if no name is given
Container::get now also searches inside SubwidgetContainer widgets
Renamed onAnimationFinish to onShowEffectFinish
Renamed ShowAnimationType to ShowEffectType
Loading BMP files didn’t work
Scrollbar in Label didn’t inherit opacity
showWithEffect/hideWithEffect didn’t work properly is position was percentage
Arrow keys can now be used to navigate TreeView
Control/shift now affect using arrow keys in multi-select ListView
Added Texture::setDefaultSmooth to choose default interpolation setting
String::split now takes an optional boolean to trim the returned values
Kerning calculation now takes bold text style into account (only if SFML >= 2.6)
Added setWidgetIndex and getWidgetIndex functions to container
Added String::contains function
saveWidgetsToFile now makes paths relative to the form path
Tool tips will no longer be displayed outside the window when close to the side
Exception is now thrown when loading a font fails
TabContainer can now create the panels internally
Button text was lost when copying button
Down state of button wasn’t displayed properly anymore when a focus state existed
Image in BitmapButton was searched in wrong directory when loading from form file
Form files didn’t load on Windows when path contained non-ANSI characters
Modification time in FileDialog was empty when MinGW compiler was used
Clipping in SDL backend was incorrect when view and viewport were changed
Opacity of color wheel wasn’t set when making ColorPicker transparent
Added new SpinControl widget (combination of EditBox and SpinButton) (PR #135)
Added new TabContainer widget (combination of Tabs with Panel below) (PR #139)
Holding down arrow on SpinButton will now keep chaning the value (PR #137)
Added insertItem function to ListView (PR #138)
Up and down arrows now change selected item in ListBox and ListView (PR #146)
Horizontal scrollbar can now depend on item width in ListView (PR #147)
Added support to copy selected ListView items to clipboard (PR #148)
Add setTextSize for SubwidgetContainer (PR #149)
Added SDL/OpenGL backend as alternative for default SFML backend
Rewrote signal system again, b->connect("Pressed",...)
is now b->onPress(...)
Added new FileDialog widget
Added new ToggleButton widget
Added new SeparatorLine widget
Added support for setting mouse cursor + use them on resizable child windows
Added timers and optional gui.mainLoop()
Added experimental setOrigin, setScale and setRotation functions to Widget
Added ThumbWithinTrack to Slider renderer to have thumb align with track on sides
Added DoubleClick signal to Panel
Added ViewChanged signal to GuiBase
Added hover and selected border colors for Tabs
Added TextureSelectedTrack property to RangeSlider renderer
Added String::fromNumberRounded to convert float to string with a fixed amount of decimals
Added startsWith and endsWith helper functions to String
Added RoundedBorderRadius property to button renderer
Separators can be added to MenuBar by inserting menu items with “-“ string
ListBox and ListView can now store user data in their items
ListView icons can be given a fixed size to rescale all icons to requested size
Replaced all std::string and sf::String by tgui::String
Replaced Text, Color, Rect and Vector2 classes from SFML with own versions
Replaced sf::Text::Style with tgui::TextStyle
Replaced setView in Gui by view/viewport setters with absolute or relative values
Added onClosing signal to ChildWindow to have a better way to abort closing it
Signal names, renderer names and widget/renderer properties are now case-sensitive
Added setWidth and setHeight helper functions
Added getCheckedRadioButton to RadioButtonGroup
Textures are now smooth by default
Size of ChildWindow now includes borders and title bar
When setView is not called on Gui, view will now scale with window size
Menus of menu bar are now always on top of all other widgets
Swapped padding and alignment parameters of addWidget in Grid
Moved uncheckRadioButtons from Container to RadioButtonGroup
Theme::setDefault now takes a shared_ptr or a filename as parameter
Changed return type of addItem in ListBox/ComboBox to return index of the item
Changed Knob value type from int to float
Changed default value of ChangeItemOnScroll in ComboBox to false
Changed default value of ExpandDirection in ComboBox to Automatic
Changed default value of ScrollbarPolicy in Label to Automatic
Renamed TextBox to TextArea
Renamed getMenuList in MenuBar to getMenus
Renamed mouseOnWidget to isMouseOnWidget
Renamed TextStyle class to TextStyles and TextStyles::Style enum to TextStyle
Default scroll amount in ScrollablePanel now depends on global text size
Gui::getFont now returns the global font if no font was set in the Gui
Container now translates the widget position before calling draw function
Dragging scrollbar inside child window didn’t work when mouse left child window
Selected part of RangeSlider wasn’t drawn when using textures
Removed all code that was marked as deprecated
Binding left and top in layouts now works correctly when the origin is changed
Some other small changes that weren’t added to the changelog
ColorPicker widget added (PR #145)
Added sortWidgets to Container to update the z-order of all widgets (PR #141)
Added getWidgetBelowMouseCursor to Gui and getWidgetAtPosition to Container/Gui
Added moveWidgetForward/moveWidgetBackward to Container to move widget one step in z-order
Added parameter to focusNextWidget/focusPreviousWidget in Container to not look recursively
Added enableSkipDrawingWidgetsOutsideView() to ScrollablePanel to enable optimization
Tabs::remove didn’t recalculate the tabs width
SubwidgetContainer wasn’t being compiled into the library
Text orientation in Button wasn’t updated when size changed
Text position in EditBox didn’t update when increasing width if text didn’t fit before
Added RightClicked signal to TreeView (PR #125)
Changed the keyboard shortcuts in EditBox and TextBox for macOS
Added getIndexById and getIdByIndex to ListBox
Added global setEditCursorBlinkRate function
Added renderer properties in ComboBox for disabled state
Added bind functions to layouts to bind to inner size
Added getFocusedChild() and getFocusedLeaf() to Container and Gui
Made updateTime() in Gui public and let it return whether something changed
Picture had wrong size when loading from file with a relative size
String to float conversion could fail since 0.8.6 when C locale was changed
TextBox can now have a default text that is displayed when it is empty (PR #117)
Added SignalManager class to connect signals by widget name (even if widget not loaded yet) (PR #112)
Added setTextSize function to Widget and Gui to allow changing text sizes globally
Improved TextureManager to only load image once if different parts of image are requested
Index as optional parameter in SignalItem (which was added in 0.8.6) didn’t actually work yet
MenuItemClicked signal is now also emitted when clicking on menu that has no menu items
Added option to not replace existing widgets when loading widgets from file
Added isAnimationPlaying function to Widget (for the show and hide animations)
Fixed linking issues when compiling TGUI as a static library while dynamically linking SFML
MousePressed signal in ListBox is now send after the selected item changed instead of before
Added sort function to ListView to sort data based on values in a chosen column (PR #107)
Added function to Slider to disallow changing the value by scrolling the mouse wheel (PR #104)
Added MultiSelect option to ListView (PR #113)
Added support for text outline in Label and Button widgets
Added SelectionChanged signal to TextBox
Added getSelectionStart and getSelectionEnd functions to TextBox
Added mousePressed and mouseReleased to respond to different mouse buttons in custom widgets
Added focusable property to widgets
Added TextureBackground property to Label, Panel and ChildWindow renderers
Added VerticalScrollAmount and HorizontalScrollAmount to ScrollablePanel
Added functions to set and get scrollbar values in widgets that have a scrollbar
Added right mouse clicked signals to ClickableWidget (base class for several widgets) and Panel
Added HeaderClicked signal to ListView
Addded Signals namespace with strings for signals of all widgets
Added VerticalScroll property to Slider, Scrollbar and SpinButton, for more intuitive usage
Added SubwidgetContainer class that should simplify combining widgets for a custom widget
Added view to Canvas
PDB files are now included for Visual Studio builds
Renamed TimeToDisplay to InitialDelay in ToolTip
SignalItem (used by ListBox and ComboBox) can now have the item index as optional parameter
Container widgets didn’t pass right click event to child widgets
Widget state was incorrect when starting a show/hide animation while another was still busy
Disabling tabs widget caused selected tab to be deselected
Vertical alignment in Label didn’t work correctly when there was a scrollbar
Knob never responded to mouse events on places where the background texture was transparent
Text color wasn’t updated in MenuBar when disabling and re-enabling widget
Unicode text wasn’t properly handled when loading/saving widgets from/to a widget file
Fixed potential crash when creating a ProgressBar
ListView clipped content in expanded column
Big improvements to Gui Builder
Svg images are now supported
ComboBox can now contain some text when no item is selected
Added function to ComboBox to disallow changing the selected item by scrolling the mouse wheel
Added RightClicked signal to ListView
Added functions to ListView to change existing items
Support typing tabs in TextBox (if tab usage is disabled in gui)
Added function to signals to temporarily disable callbacks
Added addition and subtraction operators to Outline
ChildWindow can now have a different border color in focused state
Added function to select item in TreeView
EditBox::setInputValidator now returns false when regex was invalid
Let ComboBox send the ItemSelected event only after the mouse is released
TitleBarHeight property of default renderer was ignored in ChildWindow
Label didn’t ignore events after ignoreMouseEvents was called
Adding space around widgets in Grid to fill the given size wasn’t working properly
Loading widget from file failed when min or max was used in layout strings
Added Changed signal to CheckBox and RadioButton (to more easily combine Checked and Unchecked)
Added EscapeKeyPressed signal to ChildWindow
ExpandDirection of ComboBox can now be set to Automatic
Added min and max functions to layouts again
Added horizontal grid lines to ListView
Added option to ListView to expand the last column to fill the remaining space
Allow a separator between the header and contents in a ListView
Split separator in ListView into separator and vertical grid line
Fixed corrupted white theme when DefaultTheme was initialized before Color constants
ListView widget added
EditBox can now have a suffix
TextBox can now have a horizontal scrollbar
Label can now have a vertical scrollbar
Default scrollbar width wasn’t always taken from texture size in widgets containing scrollbars
Scrollbar wasn’t drawn correctly when Maximum equaled ViewportSize with AutoHide disabled
Default icons in TreeView didn’t change color when item was selected
Rounded icon position in TreeView to avoid bad icon alignment
TreeView didn’t handle opacity and font changes
Sprites didn’t keep their transparency when resized
Texture filenames can now contain UTF8 characters on linux
Added propery to widget renderer to set an opacity for the disabled state
Fixed some bugs in saving and loading widget files (#90)
TreeView widget added
Text styles of lines in ChatBox can now be changed
Clipping was broken when using multiple windows
ScrollbablePanel didn’t fully scroll to right with both scrollbars visible
Submenus are now supported in MenuBar
Menus can now be disabled in MenuBar and given a different text color
You can now connect a signal handler to a single menu item in MenuBar
ChildWindow position can be locked to disable dragging it
Scrollbar thumb should not become smaller than the scrollbar width
Percentage in layout no longer includes the outline of the parent
MenuBar didn’t work when moved and inverted menu direction was broken
Text size in MenuBar was reset when changing font
Handle delete button on android correctly when using SFML >= 2.5
ChildWindow callback with unbound parameter caused crash
Global default text size for more consistent texts in widgets
Gui Builder was added
A theme can be made the default to use it for all new widgets
Renderers are decoupled from widgets, making them truly shared
BitmapButton widget to have an icon next to the button caption
RangeSlider widget to have two thumbs on a slider
ScrollablePanel widget to have a Panel with automatic scrollbars
Panel widget was split in Group, RadioButtonGroup and Panel widgets
HorizontalLayout, VerticalLayout and HorizontalWrap to arrange widgets
Relative layouts were improved
Many other improvements
Fixed EditBox InputValidator in textEntered when text was selected
Hover image of EditBox wasn’t being used in Black theme
Loading widgets from theme was partially broken on android
ChatBox::setScrollbar didn’t correctly position the scrollbar
ChildWindow::setTitleButtons didn’t set the button positions
ComboBox::setListBox removed all items from combo box
Added support for using SFMLConfig.cmake to find SFML
Fixed _fullpath function not found in some MinGW versions
Knob did not display correctly when using textures
Fixed crash in layouts in specific case with GCC 7
ChildWindow::setTitleButtons did not accept combinations of buttons
Theme files missed MinimizeButton and MaximizeButton in ChildWindow section
ComboBox::setItemsToDisplay did not show full list when 0 was passed
Non-string layouts are now also copied when copying a widget
OpenGL is no longer used for clipping
Fixed crash that could occur when performing a division by 0 in the layouts
Added closeMenu function to MenuBar
System clipboard is now used on all platforms when using SFML >= 2.5
Fixed FindTGUI.cmake script when patch version is not specified
Label didn’t send a SizeChanged signal when its text changed
The size of a Grid was reset in removeAllWidgets
Holding shift and pressing arrow keys will select text in EditBox
Fixed syntax error in BabyBlue and TransparentGrey themes
Resource path was not correctly used for all resources
Picture::create did not store the filename used
Theme and widget file parser now provides line number on error
Scrollbar in ListBox remained in hover state until mouse left the ListBox
The position of TextBox could be wrong when using layouts
Fixed incorrect clipping when the viewport was changed
Optional parameter from Checked/Unchecked signal could have been wrong
Added create function to widgets and Theme which is now the preferred way to construct them
Added setDefaultTextStyle to EditBoxRenderer
Touch events were not handled properly when not using the default view
Optimized EditBox::findCaretPosition
EditBox did not send a TextChanged signal when pressing ctrl+X
Added optional maximize and minimize buttons to ChildWindow (#61)
Calling Picture::setTexture yourself now works properly
Added optional parameter to Widget::disable to let mouse events pass through to the widgets behind it
ChatBox didn’t scroll down automatically when size was not a multiple of item heigh
Clipping in ChatBox did not take padding into account
Mouse wheel scroll on top of combo box changed the item internally but did not display the new item
When ComboBox was destroyed while the list was still open then the list remained visible
Fixed invalid memory reads when widget gets destroyed from inside a callback function
Allow the ChildWindow to have maximum and minimum sizes (#64)
Removed support for 32-bit on OS X
Fixed texture rotation in some rare cases
Menus in MenuBar didn’t stay open when the menu bar was added inside a Panel
Added EditBox::getCaretPosition
Fixed clipping issues when not using the default view
getAbsolutePosition no longer takes the position of the gui view into account
Picture can now be loaded from a part of an sf::Texture
Any texture in any widget can now be set to an sf::Texture
Optimized adding lines to ChatBox
You can now pass const char* directly to layout (instead of needing std::string)
Panel widgets can now have borders around them
Setting texture color did not work when using transparent widgets
Passing std::bind expression as parameter to the connect function did not work on VS2013
Fixed tab key not working for widgets inside several containers
Fixed crash in Signal class under specific circumstances
Experimental Android and iOS support
Layout system for relative sizes and positions
Rewritten callback system
New loading system to share theme between widgets and allow customizing loading steps
Exceptions are now used for error handing
No longer only textured widgets, also colored widgets which do not need external files
Many, many more changes
Improved vertical text alignment in ListBox
Fixed RadioButton images being used when CheckBox was loaded from widget file
Allow loading custom sections in theme files
Smooth scrolling in Slider and Scrollbar
Added setAlignment function to EditBox
Fixed clipping when drawing on Canvas right before drawing the gui
Widget was not given a parent when it was copied
SpinButton did not send mouse click callbacks
Link to Headers inside mac framework had an absolute path
Fixed scaling of form builder window
Limit the amount of visible items in the widget selector in form builder
Fixed segfault during handleEvent in a rare situation
Removed warnings in ListBox when index was too high
References from getWidgets and getWidgetNames should be const
Worked around a syntax error when using SWIG (#37)
Added support for frameworks on mac os x
Added setTextStyle and getTextStyle to Label
Allow widget changes before they are added to the gui
Completely cache theme files on first access
Fixed loading/saving in form builder on mac os x
Fixed potential crash in VS2012
Cache theme files for faster loading
Added method to load a Picture from an sf::Texture
You can no longer try to copy the Gui object
First selected newline in TextBox wasn’t being copied with ctlr+c
Fixed variable in ListBox not being copied
Dragging events were not passed through container widgets
List from ComboBox did not shrink when removing items
Fixed crash when removing widget in a specific situation
Added FindTGUI.cmake
Added recursive search with widget name
Text can now be selected with ctrl+A
Lines in ChatBox can now start from bottom
Worked around bug in SFML 2.1 in Label
Fixed bug in ChatBox with displaying some lines
Fixed panel keeping hover state of widget
Fixed potential crash when removing a widget
Fixed bug with saving and loading in form builder
Improved auto-sizing of text
Allow rendering to a RenderTarget
On windows the system clipboard will be used
ListBox and ComboBox now have ids for their items
ListBox and ComboBox now have methods to change items
Fixed crash in TextBox when no font was set
Fixed crash in EditBox when LimitTextWidth was set
ScrollAmount now also taken into account when using the mouse wheel
Title text in ChildWindow wasn’t vertically centered
Theme files edited on windows couldn’t be loaded on unix
ListBox::setSelectedItem should move the scrollbar if needed
ChatBox didn’t display correctly when text got split over multiple lines
Added canvas widget to render sfml inbetween tgui widgets
Add a function to TextBox to make it read-only
Clipboard calculations didn’t take viewport into account
Fixed Tab text being wrongly clipped when tab width is too small
BabyBlue theme didn’t use correct EditBox images
SharedWidgetPtr class was lacking a working == and != operator
Fixed potential bug in setMaximum and setMinimum in Slider and Knob
Fixed Knob widget not being displayed correctly when scaled
Fixed invisible title bar of child window when setSize was not called
Made several fixes to Scrollbar
Checkbox now inherits from RadioButton instead of the other way around
Text was also being selected in TextBox when clicking on the scrollbar
Some fonts didn’t display all lines in ChatBox
Allow setting a default text color in ChatBox and passing different parameters to addLine
Allow setting the line spacing in ChatBox
Added a resetView parameter to handleEvent and set the default value on true (for draw function as well)
Implemented getFullSize and thus changed behavior of getSize
The TabKeyUsageEnabled property should now be accessed through a function call
Implemented setResourcePath function to load everything from a relative path
Support clang on linux
Added ChatBox class.
Fixed a bug in LoadingBar when minimum wasn’t 0.
Fixed a bug in slider when calling setVerticalScroll after setSize.
Added support for changing the title alignment in ChildWindow.
Fixed a minor bug with unfocusing objects.
Fixed a small bug in the CMake script.
New objects: ChildWindow, AnimatedPicture, SpinButton, Tab, Grid and more.
Changed the add, get and copy functions from Group. This allows creating custom objects.
Serious speed increase, especially with many objects or with ListBox, ComboBox and Label.
ComboBox::load now also takes the height as parameter.
EditBox and TextBox take the selection point color as extra parameter in changeColors.
Improved documentation and tutorials.
Panel can optionally load a background image.
Objects in panel can now be focused with the tab key.
You can now choose to only draw part of the label.
Label has an optional background color.
Double clicking in EditBox and TextBox now selects the text.
Panel and ChildWindow can also load their objects from the Object Files.
You can choose to disable the tab key usage.
An easy install script was added for linux users.
A LoadingBar can now have text on top of it.
Callback now contains a pointer to the object.
Unicode support through the use of sf::String.
Many bug fixes.
Bug fix: ComboBox wasn’t responding correctly when scaled.
Bug fix: ComboBox wasn’t rendered correctly when using a scrollbar.
Bug fix: Slider caused a runtime error on windows.
Bug fix: Objects didn’t behave correctly when the view was changed.
Bug fix: When all the objects were hidding, the first one was still drawn.
New objects: Panel, TextBox and SpriteSheet.
Objects can be moved to the back or to the front.
Scrolling in listbox has been improved (you can now set the scrollbar between two items).
The images used in Checkbox can now have a different size.
Hover images no longer have to be semi-transparent.
Text width can now be limited in EditBox.
A maximum item limit was added in ComboBox.
You can now disable objects.
Many bug fixes.
Mac OS X is now supported (no libraries yet, but the source code can be used)
Changing the global font no longer changes the font of already existing objects.
You can now change the global font directly, the setGlobalFont function was removed.
All objects now have a getSize and getScaledSize function.
Label now sends a callback on click.
You have an option too keep the scrollbar visible, even if you can’t scroll.
Bug fix: The getText function of EditBox returned a sf::String instead of an std::string.
Bug fix: Arrow keys were not repeated in EditBox.
Bug fix: Texture rect was not updated when calling the load function again.
Bug fix: Callback from Picture didn’t work with scaling.
Bug fix: EditBox and ListBox hung when image was too small.
Bug fix: Alpha value in colors was sometimes wrong.
Bug fix: The displayed text in EditBox was wrong when calling setMaximumCharacters.
Bug fix: ComboBox caused a crash when image was too small.
A new object: Label.
Bug fix: The draw function was overriding the one from sfml, it is now called drawGUI.
The ‘m_’ prefix was dropped on public members.
Picture now has a click callback.
The background color of the selected text is now different when the EditBox is not focused.
EditBox now also sends a callback when the return key was pressed.
A new object: Panel.
Bug fix: The text on the button was sometimes blurry with fixed text size.
Bug fix: The arrow of ComboBox kept pointing down when the list was shown.
setSize function added to all gui objects. It is recommended over the SetScale function.
You can now change the font of EditBox, ListBox and ComboBox.
A setGlobalFont function was added to Panel (also to Window) to set the font of all the objects.
You can now add CallbackID to any object that is loaded from a file.
A horizontal scrollbar has been added.
Bug fix: Objects behind a picture still received events.
Bug fix: Thumb position of Scrollbar was wrong while scaling.
Bug fix: The program crashed after calling removeAllObjects.
Scrolling was added in EditBox, there is no more text width limit by default.
You can now get the colors that are used in EditBox, Listbox and ComboBox.
You can now select an item in ListBox with the new setSelectedItem function.
You can now use the scrollbar.
Panels can now be used, which means that you can create multiple groups of linked radio buttons.
You can now load all the objects (except Panel) from a file.
Except for the .lib and .so files, I have included .a files.
Bug fix: You couldn’t call setBorders after setText in EditBox.
Bug fix: Changing the maximum items and the item height in ListBox didn’t work properly.
Bug fix: Scrollbar didn’t receive the mouse up event when releasing the mouse on ListBox.
Bug fix: Calling a load function with an empty string made the program crash.
ComboBox was added
Bug fixes in EditBox, ListBox and Scrollbar
Namespace was changed to lowercase.
A setVerticalScroll function for changing m_VerticalScroll indirectly.
Changed the name from setTextColors to changeColors inside EditBox to conform with the ListBox.
Small bug fixes in EditBox and Listbox.
Fixed wrong behavior of scrollbar.
Colors of objects were changed to fit better with each other.